March 15th, 2001 – Curiosity Works Inc. Launched

Trade Show Veterans Launch Event Management Firm In Cleveland, OH

Curiosity Works Inc., an Event Management firm servicing trade shows, special events, conferences and corporate meetings announces its opening of four offices over the next three years, beginning with Cleveland, Ohio.

Curiosity Works will provide a total event management solution for show producers, exhibitors, contractors and attendees.  Curiosity Works and its network of contractors (CW Network) offers the city of Cleveland trade show and event experience in over 20 different markets.   The CW Network is comprised of finest contractors and service providers in the trade show and special event industry.

Rick Rosalina, Owner and President of Curiosity Works states, “The launch of a Cleveland office is our answer to the City’s requests to expand Cleveland into a convention city.    We believe Cleveland is one of the largest untapped markets in the Midwest to host trade shows or events.”

To support Curiosity Works strategic growth initiatives the company has structured its foundation around mobile technology.  The Cleveland office will be the hub for Curiosity Works web enabled platform.  The platform enables Curiosity Works employees to conduct business form a mobile location anywhere in the world and never loose a day of production.

“Curiosity Works has creating a mobile working environment that will open your eyes to proactive partnering.  Our network is an introduction of the new workforce", said Rosalina.

July 15, 2001 – Artexpo & Art Miami Management Deal

Curiosity Works Closes Deal with Advanstar Communications Art Group to Manage Event Operations

Curiosity Works Inc. closes deal with Advanstar Communications Art group to manage event operations for Artexpo New York and Art Miami.

“We are very pleased to be working on Artexpo NY and Art Miami. Curiosity Works will use all of its resources, industry knowledge and logistical planning skills to help enhance these events for both Advanstar and its exhibitors,” states Rick Rosalina, President and Owner.

Advanstar's International Art Group is the leader in business-to-business marketing media serving the popular art and framing industry. Readers of its publications and attendees at its shows report over $5 billion in art and framing sales annually. Advertisers and exhibitors invest more marketing dollars in the Art Group's media than in any other integrated communications group in this market.

Artexpo NY attendees are dealers, gallery owners, art publishers, corporate and contract buyers, interior designers, merchandisers and individual collectors. Exhibitors are fine art dealers, art publishers, galleries and artists featuring original paintings and drawings, sculptures, serigraphs, lithographs, limited and open edition prints, and more. Artexpo NY generates nearly $600 million in trade and consumer sales

Art Miami attracts leading international galleries, collectors, curators, art professionals and enthusiasts. Art Miami invites up to 100 modern and contemporary galleries from around the world and features top-quality painting, sculpture, photography, works on paper, installation, video and sound.

August 30, 2001 – Curiosity Works NY Office Opens

Curiosity Works Opens New York Office to Support It's Mobile Work Force

Curiosity Works Inc. opens a Manhattan office in Times Square to help support its mobile workforce in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area. The New York office is the second of four offices to be launched by the year 2004. 

Trade show producers and exhibitors are taking advantage of the benefits of the Curiosity Works mobile workforce. Curiosity Works’ clients are receiving faster production times, 24 hr. client access, continual workflow and superior planning.

Based on preliminary strategic plans, the expansion into the New York market is ahead of schedule for Curiosity Works. The rapid growth is attributed to the company’s employment policies and initial investment in mobile technology. 

Curiosity Works has successfully conformed to meet the needs of show management groups, contractors, exhibitors and attendees as it continues to strive to be an pioneer in the event management industry.

October 1, 2001 Curiosity Works Expands Services

Curiosity Works Expands Its Scope of Services to Help Show Managers Meet Their Budgets

Curiosity Works Inc., a client focused company providing managerial and production services for trade shows, special events, conferences and corporate meetings has assembled a workforce that is bringing corporation increased profits and at the same time decreasing expenses.

Through a blend of outsourcing and telecommuting, Curiosity Works offers a staffing solution to show managers that are searching for additional support services. Not only do show producers benefit from Curiosity Works’ veteran line-up of trade show contractors they are reducing expenditures on salaries, healthcare, 401K plans and T&E. 

“Curiosity Works has created a mobile working environment that will open your eyes to proactive partnering. Our network is in introduction of the new workforce,” said Rick Rosalina, President. Over the past year Curiosity Works has opened two offices, Cleveland and New York, and has schedule expansion into the Miami market by early 2003.

Curiosity Works has been shown to alleviate the pressures for Show managers to learn each city's regulation and guidelines. Show Managers now have more time to focus on the event and their customers.